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How to extend Router or Replace Customer Router class on Laravel5?

I did something similar, but in a different way. The end result is that I can define my redirects and aliases in configuration files. For example:


'/articles/grips-guide' => '/articles/grips',
    '/articles/grips/the-grips' => '/articles/grips/holds',
        '/articles/grips/holds/basic' => '/articles/grips/holds/forehand',


The indentation is "cosmetic". My convention is that, when a whole folder is redirected, I define that first. If any pages have also changed, these redirects are defined afterwards, using the new folder URL.

Instead of replacing the router, I created a links.correct filter that runs for all requests:

// At the top of routes.php

Route::when( '*', 'links.correct' );

This runs my LinkResolver filter:

link = App::make('LinkResolver');
        $this->link->resolve( Request::rawUrl() );

        // Store the results in the container for later
        // Maybe this should be changed to something more
        // maintainable / explicit!
        App::getFacadeRoot()->BBappUrl = $this->link->url;
        App::getFacadeRoot()->BBappView = $this->link->view;

        // Enforce SSL
        if ( !Request::secure() )
            $link->status = 301;

        // For redirection after login, etc.
        if ( $this->allowedForRedirectIntended() )
            Session::put( 'url.intended', $this->link->url );

        if ( $this->link->status !== 200 )
            return Redirect::secure( $this->link->url, $this->link->status );

    private function allowedForRedirectIntended()
        // We don't want login page to wipe out the intended page
        $disallowedPages = [

        // We don't want validation errors to wipe out the intended page
        $disallowedStatuses = [ 302 ];

        return !in_array($this->link->url, $disallowedPages)
            && !in_array($this->link->status, $disallowedStatuses);


(Note that I did extend the Request class, purely for dealing with multiple slashes.)

The "heavy lifting" is done by a separate LinkResolver class:


    public function resolve($path)
        $this->url  = $path;
        $this->view = $path;

        // Remove query string, unless we're on a page that needs it
        if ( !$this->pageRequiresQueryString() )

        // Special case for English homepage, i.e. '/' route
        if ( $this->url === '/' )

        // Is this an old link with a .php extension?

        // Are there any extra slashes?

        // Has this page or folder been moved / renamed?

        // Is this folder an alias? E.g. '/de' maps to '/languages/de'

    private function removeQuery()
        // Redirect if there was a query string
        if ( $this->getQuery() )
            $this->url    = $this->getQuery()['base'];
            $this->view   = $this->getQuery()['base'];
            $this->status = 301;

    private function getQuery()
        $parts = explode('?', $this->url, 2);

        if ( isset($parts[1]) )
            return [ 'base' => $parts[0], 'query' => '?' . $parts[1] ];
        return false;

    private function removeExtension()
        if ( ends_with($this->url, '.php') )
            $this->url    = substr($this->url, 0, -4);
            $this->status = 301;

    private function removeSlashes()
        // Replace multiple slashes with a single slash, i.e. '//' --> '/'
        while ( strpos($this->url, '//') !== false )
            $this->url    = str_replace('//', '/', $this->url);
            $this->status = 301;

        // Remove trailing slash, even if there's still a query string (Paypal!)
        $query = '';
        if ( $this->getQuery() )
            $query = $this->getQuery()['query'];
            $this->url = $this->getQuery()['base'];

        if ( ends_with($this->url, '/') )
            $this->url    = substr( $this->url, 0, -1 );
            $this->status = 301;

        $this->url .= $query;

    private function resolveRedirects()
        foreach ($this->redirects as $old => $new)
            if ( starts_with($this->url, $old) )
                $this->url    = str_replace_once( $old, $new, $this->url );
                $this->status = 301;

                // Check for any later fragments of the URL that match
                $this->resolveRedirects( $this->url );

    private function resolveAliases()
        foreach ($this->aliases as $alias => $real)
            if ( starts_with($this->url, $alias) )
                $this->view = str_replace_once($alias, $real, $this->url);

    private function assembleConfigData()
        $this->languages = Config::get('links/languages');
        $this->redirects = Config::get('links/redirects');
        $this->aliases   = Config::get('links/aliases');

        // Copy redirects & aliases for languages: all languages share English
        // URL patterns. Also add the base URL of '/languages/' as an alias
        foreach($this->languages as $lang)
            // Alias '/french' to '/languages/french'
            $this->aliases['/' . $lang] = '/languages/' . $lang;

            // Reuse redirect patterns from English
            foreach($this->redirects as $old => $new)
                $this->redirects['/' . $lang . $old] = '/' . $lang . $new;

            // Reuse alias patterns from English
            foreach($this->aliases as $alias => $real)
                $this->aliases['/' . $lang . $alias] = '/' . $lang . $real;

        // Force aliases to be used, i.e. redirect from real path to alias
        foreach($this->aliases as $alias => $real)
            $this->redirects[$real] = $alias;

    private function pageRequiresQueryString()
        $queryPages = Config::get('links/queryStringPages');

        if ( in_array( $this->getQuery()['base'], $queryPages) )
            return true;
        return false;


What this essentially does is take my URL logic out of .htaccess, where it should never belong. .htaccess is a server configuration override file. Cramming tonnes of redirects in there is horrendously messy.

Instead, I want my redirection logic contained in my PHP code, where it is easily testable, and where I can use separate configuration files for each concern.
