Transactional interface between SQL and KV (and TxnCoordSender)
Original authors: knz, andrei
This tech note explains how the SQL/KV interface currently works, up to the level of detail necessary to understand the processing of batches, error handling and SQL savepoints, to understand bug findings in this area and to participate in design discussions.
Table of contents:
- Introduction
- client.Txn and RootTxns
- LeafTxns and txn state repatriation
- client.Txn, meta and TxnCoordSender
- Interceptors: between TxnCoordSender and DistSender
- TxnCoordSender state
- Summary of the all-is-well path
- Error handling in TxnCoordSender
- Error handling with LeafTxns
- Concurrency between root and leaf
- KV sequence numbers
- Seqnum consistency across TxnCoordSenders
CockroachDB's at a high level is architected into the following layers:
- SQL (incl. pgwire, SQL state machine, planning and execution)
- Transactional (YOU ARE HERE)
- Distribution (incl. range leasing, rebalancing)
- Replication (incl. Raft, replica lifecycle)
- Storage (incl. engines: RocksDB, Pebble)
This tech note pertains to level 2 in this list and especially the boundary between levels 1 and 2.
Conceptually, the "transactional layer" offers an API to the SQL layer which enables it to consider the CockroachDB cluster as a transactional KV store. The API offers ways to "define a KV transaction" and "execute KV operations" (and get results and errors), and maintains the lifecycle of KV transaction objects.
In particular, it is responsible for a number of optimizations relating to transient fault recovery (incl. implicit/automatic retries inside that layer, invisible to SQL) and transaction conflict resolution (incl. implicit/automatic txn reordering by updating timestamps).
Its other boundary, between levels 2 and 3 above, is another API
offered by level 3 called DistSender
. That level also allows the
levels above it to "execute KV operations" but it has very little
logic for error recovery and does not maintain KV transaction state
itself. (In fact, the levels 3 and below are mostly state-less with
regards to SQL client connections. The transactional layer is the last
level that manages internal state on behalf of a single SQL client.)
The transactional layer's role is thus to translate requests coming from above (SQL) to go below (DistSender), performing optimizations and error recovery during that process.
Since the interactions are relatively complex, the remainder of the tech note introduces the concepts incrementally. The explanations at the beginning are thus somewhat inaccurate, merely providing an upramp to understanding for the reader.
Interestingly, in the context of the transactional layer, the word
"client" designates the local SQL layer (e.g. a SQL executor or a
distsql processor), not the remote client app. Likewise, the word
"server" designates the local DistSender
on each node, not the
CockroachDB node as a whole. This differs from the terminology in
each other layer. For example, in SQL: "client" = remote client app,
"server" = gateway or distsql execution server; in replication:
"client" = layer 2, "server" = leaseholder for some range. Depending
on the reader's own technical background, some caution will be needed
while reading the rest of this tech note.
client.Txn and RootTxns
The first two actors in this explanation are:
- the SQL executor, which organizes the state of the SQL transaction and the sequencing of statements on the gateway.
- a transaction object called "RootTxn" (the name will be motivated later), that exists on the SQL gateway, and which stores the "main" state of the SQL/KV transaction - for example whether it's aborted, waiting for a client-side retry, etc.
A simplified view of the interaction between the two is as follows:
- the SQL executor instantiates an object of Go type
with its type set toRootTxn
(hence the name) - during query execution, the SQL exec code (on the gateway, we ignore
distributed execution for now) uses the
method on that object to run KV operations. - "under the hood" the RootTxn translates the Run() calls into
BatchRequests into the cluster, and translates the
BatchResponses back into updates into the
object provided by the SQL code. - at the end of the SQL transaction (either commit or rollback, or close on error), a call is made to the RootTxn to finalize its state.
LeafTxns and txn state repatriation
When a query becomes distributed, we want other nodes to be able to run KV operations "on behalf" of the main SQL transaction running on the gateway. This needs the same txn ID, timestamp, list of write intents, etc, so we can't just create a fresh new RootTxn on each node where a distsql processor runs.
Instead, there is some new complexity, involving three new actors:
- one or more distSQL servers running on other nodes than the gateway, which receive requests from the gateway to execute work on behalf of a SQL session running there.
- distSQL units of work, called "flows", which are specified to run some processing code and, relevant here, operate using...
- ... another transaction object called "LeafTxn", which contains a copy of many fields of the original RootTxn and is able to run KV read operations.
This works as follows:
- the SQL executor instantiates the RootTxn as usual.
- when a distributed query is about to start, the distsql execution code pulls out a struct from the RootTxn called "LeafTxnInputState". This contains e.g. the txn ID, timestamp and write intents as outlined above.
- the trimmed meta struct is sent along with the flow request to a remote distsql server.
- on the other node, the distsql server instantiates the
object using the provided meta struct as input. - the distsql processor(s) (e.g a table reader) then uses the LeafTxn to run KV batches.
- when query execution completes, the distsql processor
extracts a similar state struct off the LeafTxn
and the result is repatriated on the gateway when the flow is shut down. - on the gateway, repatriated LeafTxn state structs
are merged into the RootTxn using
. - on the gateway, any error produced by a LeafTxn is also "ingested"
in the RootTxn to perform additional error recovery and clean-up,
Why do we need to bring back state from a LeafTxn into a RootTxn?
There are many uses for this data repatriation, not all will be detailed further here.
One use which is good to explain why the repatriation is necessary is that of refresh spans: as KV reads are issued by the LeafTxn, it populates a list of refresh spans. If we did not repatriate these spans, then a subsequent txn conflict check would not detect that reads performed by the LeafTxn are stale and incorrectly decide to refresh the txn (bump its commit ts into the future and retry automatically, instead of pushing the error back to the client).
Another use of repatriation that's not strictly necessary but is nevertheless a useful optimization, is the case when the transaction is aborted concurrently (e.g. if a deadlock was detected by another txn). If the KV reads done on behalf of the LeafTxn detect the txn record to become aborted, this new state will be repatriated and the RootTxn will know that the entire KV txn has become aborted. This is faster than letting the RootTxn discover this state later at the first next KV operation launched on its behalf.
Related issues:
client.Txn, meta and TxnCoordSender
The two sections above used a simplified picture using a single "transaction object".
In truth, the type
is merely a thin facade for the SQL client. It contains, between other things:
- a type tag (RootTxn/LeafTxn)
- a reference of interface type
, which abstracts theSend()
operation to send batch requests to the rest of the cluster.
In particular it does not contain the "main" txn payload including commit timestamp, intents, etc.
Where is that payload then? Also, where are the refresh spans and other in-flight txn properties stored?
The object referenced by *client.Txn
is an instance of a coordinator
component called the "TxnCoordSender" of type
The TxnCoordSender (hereafter abbreviated TCS), as its name implies, is in charge of maintaining the state of the txn at the top of the KV layer, and is in charge of coordinating the distribution of KV batches to layer underneath together with error handling, txn conflict management, etc.
The TCS is also, itself, a rather thin data structure.
Its main payload is what the KV team actually calls the "txn object",
of type
which in turn also
a copy of the "txn meta" object, of type
The separation of purpose between roachpb.Transaction
is not further relevant in this RFC, and we will just
call them collectively "the txn object".
With this in place, the interaction goes roughly as follows:
The txn object is sent along in the header of every BatchRequest
produced by TCS while it processes a client.Batch
SQL or other KV clients. This is passed along the
transaction/replication/storage boundaries and the low-level MVCC code in
storage has access to (a sufficient part of) the txn object during
processing of each single KV operation.
Additionally, the execution of low-level KV operations can update
their copy of (parts of) the txn object. This will populate e.g. the
list of observed timestamps, used for later txn conflict resolution.
The resulting txn state then flows back to TCS in the
header of every BatchResponse
. Upon receiving a BatchResponse, the
TCS merges the received txn object in the response with
the txn object it already has, using the txn.Update()
Interceptors: between TxnCoordSender and DistSender
The explanation above suggested that TCS sends BatchRequests to "the cluster".
In truth, "the cluster" is the entry point of the distribution layer,
the overall architectural layer immediately under the transaction
layer in CockroachDb. Its entry point is an object called
of which there is one instance per node.
The interface between TCS and DistSender is an interface
called client.Sender
which defines a method Send(BatchRequest) (BatchResponse, error)
So conceptually, we have something like this in the code:
However, there's a little more complexity hidden in there. If we had a
direct call from TCS.Send()
into DistSender.Send()
then a single blob of code in TCS itself would need to deal
with all the complexity of txn pipelining, parallel commits, etc.
To facilitate reasoning about the code and to ease maintenance, the txn management logic is split away from TCS itself, and across multiple other components arranged in a pipeline placed between TCS and DistSender. Each stage of this pipeline is called an "interceptor" and responsible for a single aspect of txn coordination. Each also contains additional local state.
Two example interceptors that happen to be relevant to this RFC are:
- the
, which contains and manages the read and write refresh spans already mentioned above. - the
, which assigns sequence numbers to individual KV operations in batches.
Thus, in reality, the call stack looks more like this:
TCSs allocated for RootTxns use the full pipeline of interceptors (6 of them as of this writing), whereas LeafTxns, which only handle read requests, use only a subset.
TxnCoordSender state
The overall "current state" of a TCS is thus distributed between various Go structs:
- the txn object (
), - the set of its interceptors (each interceptor contains a portion of the txncoordsender state sufficient and necessary for its local processing),
- its "own" very few fields, including a summary of the lifecycle of
the txn object called
(relevant to this RFC, we'll come back to this later).
This overall state is a native Go struct and not a protobuf. However, as we've seen above distributed execution needs to take the "current state" of a RootTxn and carry it over to another node to build a LeafTxn.
For this purpose, a separate protobuf message LeafTxnInputState
defined. The TCS's GetLeafTxnInputState()
method initially populates
it by asking every interceptor in turn to write its portion of the
state into it.
Conversely, when the state of a LeafTxn is repatriated and to be
"merged" into the RootTxn, the UpdateRootFromLeafFinalState()
uses the Update()
method on the roachpb.Transaction
(which merges the state of the txn object itself) then asks every
interceptor, in turn, to collect bits of state it may be interested to
merge in too.
For example, that's where the RootTxn's txnSpanRefresher interceptor picks up the spans accumulated in the LeafTxn.
Summary of the all-is-well path
To summarize the previous sections, the SQL/KV interface involves the following actors:
- a
object, which doesn't know much, other than... - a reference to a
, which stores:- (a copy of) the current txn object incl
, - a set of txn interceptors, each with its own local state,
- at the end of the interceptor pipeline, a reference to the local node's
object, - a little additional TCS local state including a "txn status" field called
- (a copy of) the current txn object incl
When a KV batch request arrives from SQL through client.Txn
, it is
passed through TCS, the stack of interceptors, delivered to
DistSender, and the responses flow back up the same path.
Now on the next question: What of errors?
Error handling in TxnCoordSender
For simplicity in this section, we'll start with the simple case of a RootTxn without any LeafTxn.
When an error is encountered either in DistSender or "underneath"
(remote replicas etc), it flows back through the interceptors back
into the TCS's Send()
Some interceptors peek into the error object and update their local
state. Some of them (like the txnSpanRefresher
) fully absorb the
error to turn it into a non-error.
Additionally, some interceptors can generate errors of their own either "on the way in" (towards DistSender), which causes a shortcut to the return path; or "on the way out" (alongside a BatchResponse).
When (TCS).Send()
receives an error from the chain
of interceptors, it then separates between 7 kinds of errors, currently
split into three groups:
sub-group 1: same-TCS recoverable errors, which cause the TCS to perform partial or full error recovery.
This group contains 3 kinds of errors:
recoverable errors with in-place recovery, where the TCS will handle the error internally, then retry the operation in a way that's invisible to the higher levels. In this case, the txn object remains "live" and its "identity" (ID, epoch) is unchanged.
For example, txn refreshes are processed automatically in this way.
recoverable errors with txn restart, where the TCS resets the txn object to a state where the client (the SQL layer) can restart the operation, or tell the client to attempt the operation again (client-side retries). In this case, the txn object remains "live" but its identity (epoch) changes immediately.
Example sequence diagram in the case of a recoverable error with txn restart:
deferred retry errors, where the TCS remember the error has occurred but pretends the operation succeeded for the benefit of the (SQL) client. The error is only reported at the end of the SQL txn, where the client is requested to perform a client-side retry.
This is currently used only for
sub-group 2: new-TCS recoverable errors, which cause the TCS to become "trashed" (and unusable), but where the
can continue/restart with a new TCS:- retryable transaction aborts (
with aTransactionAbortedError
payload), which occurs when the KV transaction gets aborted by some other transaction. This happens in case of deadlock, or in case the coordinator fails to heartbeat the txn record for a few seconds and another transaction is blocked on one of our intents. FauxTransactionAbortedErrors
can also happen for transactions that straddle a lease transfer (the new leaseholder is not able to verify that the transaction had not been aborted by someone else before the lease transfer because we lost the information in the old timestamp cache).
For these errors, the TCS becomes unusable but the
immediately replaces the TCS by a fresh one, seeUpdateStateOnRemoteRetryableErr()
. - retryable transaction aborts (
sub-group 3: unrecoverable errors, which cause both the TCS and
to become "trashed".This group contains 3 kinds of errors:
permanent transaction errors, which occurs when the transaction encounters a permanent unrecoverable error typically due to client logic error (e.g. AOST read under GC).
transient processing errors, for which it is certain that further processing is theoretically still possible after the error occurs. For example, attempting to read data using a historical timestamp that has already been garbage collected,
condition failure, transient network error on the read path, etc. -
unhandled errors, for which it is not certain that further processing is safe or sound (or where we haven't yet proven that it is). For example, "ambiguous result" errors, "store unavailable" and internal assertion errors fall in this category.
When an unrecoverable error occurs, the TCS changes its
. After this happens, any further attempt to use the TCS will be rejected without even attempting further processing. At the SQL level, this is then recognized as a forced txn abort after which only ROLLBACK is accepted (or where COMMIT will produce a "txn is aborted" error).Example sequence diagram in the case of an unrecoverable error:
Summary table:
Group | Error kind | Example | Current recovery |
same-TCS recoverable | recoverable with in-place recovery | ReadWithinUncertaintyIntervalError |
internal auto retry, txn identity preserved |
same-TCS recoverable | recoverable with txn restart | commit deadline exceeded error | tell client to retry, reset txn object to new epoch |
same-TCS recoverable | deferred retry | transaction push, write too old (?) | store error state, reveal retry error only at commit time |
new-TCS recoverable | retryable txn aborts | transaction aborted by concurrent txn | TCS becomes unusable but client.Txn can resume |
unrecoverable | non-retryable txn aborts | read under GC threshold | hard fail, TCS becomes unusable |
unrecoverable | transient processing errors | CPut condition failure | hard fail, TCS becomes unusable (see below) |
unrecoverable | unhandled errors | store unavailable error, assertion failure | hard fail, TCS becomes unusable |
The keen reader may wonder why transient processing errors cause the txn object and the TCS to become unusable. Indeed, there is no good reason for that. It is actually poor design, as a SQL client may legitimately want to continue using the txn object after detecting a logical error (eg duplicate row) or transient error (eg network connection reset). This is to change with the introduction of savepoints.
Another important aspect of "recoverable errors with txn restart" and "retryable txn aborts", which will become more noteworthy below, is that the txn object stored inside the TCS may become different "on the way out" (back to client.Txn and the SQL layer) from what it was "on the way in". It is currently the responsibility of the client (SQL layer), which may have its own copy of the txn object, to pick up this change. Cross-references on this point:
(*client.Txn) UpdateStateOnRemoteRetryableErr()
(*DistSQLReceiver) Push()
--roachpb.ErrPriority(meta.Err) > roachpb.ErrPriority(r.resultWriter.Err())
Some additional wisdom by Tobias
Whenever we extract information from an error that counts as a read, we have to make sure that read is accounted for by the KV store. For example, a ConditionFailedError from a CPut is in fact a successful read; if this isn't accounted for properly at the KV layer (timestamp cache update), there will be anomalies (CPut has code to do exactly that here). I generally find it unfortunate that we're relying on errors to return what are really logical results, and I hope that we buy out of that as much as we can. For CPut, for example, we'd have
carry a flag that tells us the actual value and whether a write was carried out. I suspect we're using errors for some of these only because errors eagerly halt the processing of the current batch. Continuing past errors generally needs a good amount of idempotency (for example, getting a timeout during a CPut and retrying the CPut without seqnos could read-your-own-write). We had no way of doing that prior to the intent history and seqnos.
By the way, in case you haven't stumbled upon this yet, the txn span refresher (an interceptor inside TCS) has a horrible contract with
, where DistSender returns a partially populated response batch on errors, from which the refresher then picks out spans for its refresh set. I'm wondering how this hasn't backfired yet.
Concurrency between root and leaf
Today, it is not valid (= KV/SQL protocol violation) to perform KV operations using LeafTxns concurrently with a RootTxn, or use multiple RootTxns for the same txn object side-by-side.
Note that while the SQL code is architected to take this restriction into account, it is not currently enforced on the KV side. We sometimes see bugs (eg #41222 / #41992) occuring because we do not have infrastructure in place to detect violations of this restriction.
This restriction exists for 3 reasons, one of them actually invalid (a flawed past understanding):
KV writes must be uniquely identified, for txn pipelining. Since the identification is currently performed using a single counter in the txn object, there cannot be more than one TCS using this counter at a time.
Today only RootTxn can process KV writes, so this restricts write concurrency to just 1 RootTxn. Even if LeafTxns had enough complexity to process writes, concurrency would be limited by this counter, until/unless we can guarantee that two separate TCSs generate separate operation identifiers.
(For example, by combining sequence bits with a TCS ID.)
Tobias notes:
I wonder if we also need their read/write spans to be non-overlapping. There's all sort of weird stuff if they do overlap, though maybe it's not actually illegal. Either way, not something we're going to do today or tomorrow.
RootTxns update the txn object during error processing (see previous section).
If we let the RootTxn process operations and perform error recovery while a LeafTxn is active, we'd need to answer difficult questions.
Consider the following sequence:
In this situation, at t1 the RootTxn handles a retriable error by preparing the next client retry attempt via a new txn object, then at later instant t2 is augmented by a LeafTxn whose state was part of its "past" using the original txn object. How to combine the states from the two "generations" of the txn object?
To avoid this situation altogether, any use of a LeafTxn comes with a requirement to not use the RootTxn at all while the LeafTxn is active.
(Mistaken) Expectation that distributed reads are able to observe concurrent writes on other nodes.
The KV read and write operations are mutually ordered using seqnums. If we were to expect that a read is able to observe a write performed on a separate node, it would be necessary to synchronize seqnums across nodes for every KV write. This is neither practical nor currently implemented.
This restriction currently mandates that there be no LeafTxn active while KV writes are being processed by a RootTxn.
(The restriction is lifted by observing that the expectation is invalid: PostgreSQL semantics require that all reads performed by a mutation statement observe the state of the db prior to any write. So there is no requirement of read-the-writes inside a single SQL statement. The current crdb behavior actually is a bug, our current halloween problem. Since LeafTxns are re-generated across SQL statements, it's trivial to get the right semantics without a restriction on LeafTxn/RootTxn concurrency.)
The astute reader may wonder how distSQL deals with the requirement that no LeafTxn be active while a RootTxn is active, or no RootTxn be active while LeafTxns are active. To make this happen there is code in the distsql planner to select whether to use either multiple LeafTxns, one per node / distsql processor, or a single RootTxn, shared by all distsql processors (and forces them to run on the gateway, serially using a single goroutine) (also, this code has bugs. See eg issues #41222 / #41992).
KV sequence numbers
At the SQL/KV interface, KV operations are associated with sequence numbers (seqnums):
- write operations generate new seqnums, which are stored inside write intents.
- read operations operate "at" a particular seqnum: a MVCC read that encounters an intent ignores the values written at later seqnums and returns the most recent value prior to that seqnum instead.
- combined read/write operations, like CPut, operate their read part at their write seqnum - 1.
Today the TCS (the component that receives KV request batches from SQL) is responsible for generating seqnums.
The seqnum counter's current value is split between three locations:
- a local variable in one of the interceptors, called
inside the TCS; - the
record, inside theroachpb.Transaction
held inside theLeafTxnInputState
. - the
record, inside theroachpb.Transaction
held inside the header of every executed KV batch.
These three values are synchronized as follows:
The interceptor's counter is incremented for every KV write operation, and the current counter value (with or without increment) is copied to the
field in the request header of every KV operation flowing through the interceptor. This ensures that:- every write gets a new sequence number.
- every read gets a copy of the seqnum of the last write.
field in the request header of individual KV operations is also copied to same-name field inTxnMeta
of the batch header in certain circumstnaces (most notably by another later interceptor, thetxnPipeliner
) for use during txn conflict resolution and write reordering. -
When a TCS is instantiated from a LeafTxnInputState (e.g. forking a RootTxn into a LeafTxn), the counter value from the TxnMeta inside the LeafTxnInputState is copied into the interceptor.
When a LeafTxnInputState is constructed from a TCS, the value is copied from the interceptor.
Final note: the seqnum is scoped to a current txn epoch. When the epoch field is incremented, the seqnum generator resets to 0. The overall ordering of operation thus also needs to take the epoch into account.
Seqnum consistency across TxnCoordSenders
The current code was designed with the assumption that a single TCS can issue writes and assign new seqnums to requests.
Today the code is organized to use only a single RootTxn (and no LeafTxns) for SQL statements that perform writes, so that anything that may update the seqnum ends up running sequentially in a single goroutine.
It's interesting to consider how this would with LeafTxns if we were to relax the restriction and allow multiple readers with one writer.
The main mechanism that helps is that without writes, a TCS will continue to assign the same seqnum to every read. A LeafTxn forked from a RootTxn will thus continue to use the seqnum last generated by the RootTxn before it was forked.
So if we have a SQL sequence like this:
and the SELECT is distributed with LeafTxns, all the read requests performed on its behalf by other nodes will use the last (epoch, seqnum) generated for UPDATE and thus be able to "observe the writes".
The astute reader can then consider what happens for the UPDATE itself. What if the UPDATE itself happens to be distributed, with some LeafTxns on other nodes running the "read part" of the UPDATE, and the RootTxn on the gateway issuing the KV operations?
Here it would also work, as follows:
- at the beginning of the UPDATE's execution, before any writes have been issued, the UPDATE's LeafTxn are forked. This ensures that any further distributed reads by the UPDATE will be using the last (epoch, seqnum) generated by the statement before the UPDATE.
- during the UPDATE's execution, the RootTxn increments its counter to perform the mutation. This increase remains invisible to the update's LeafTxns.
By ensuring that the read path only sees the writes prior to the seqnum at the start of execution, it will be unaffected by subsequent writes. This solves crdb's current halloween problem.